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09 November 2008

Basis Principle Relay Protection

Definition of Relay Protection At Generator

Relay protection is a working peripheral automatically arranges or decides an electrical circuit as result of existence of trouble happened at generator.

Relay protection is attached with a purpose to prevents accident, to minimize the happening of trouble happened at part of system and gives commemoration automatically functioning isolate trouble to condition or that is below par, like overload, under voltage, reserve power and condition of below par other. Besides, relay is attached with a purpose to localizes impact of trouble by dissociating equipments annoyed from system because can cause damage at other equipments residing in at the system. That way equipments experiencing damage can escape quickly so that system stability line still awake, and continuity and service of system also still awake carefully.

Linkage Relay Protection

Relay protection has 6 bodywork, namely:

Beginning actuator, generator, generator transformer, main assistant transformer, reserves assistant transformer or transformer start, consumer motors itself.

Relay protection in a generator consisted of some types, namely:

1. protection of Rotor ground fault.

This protection functions to detect quickly trouble happened because of its (the break magnetic field circuit which can generate temperature and fire spatter. And detect when one or all phases unconnected to the ground.

2. Protection under excitation.

This protection functions to detect unstable excitation trouble effect [of] trouble AVR, transformer control system that is not functioned, or generator operates with capacitive material.

3. Protection over current.

Protection functioned to detect stress thermal at generator resulted from more of current.

4. Protection rise indium voltage.

Functioning protection detects existence of increase of payload and or derivation of system payload resulting increase of revolution at generator turbine.

5. Protection load under balance.

Protection with aim to detect existence of one of network which unconnected with ground.

6. Protection under frequency.

Functioning protection to detect existence of trouble resulted lowering of linear circuit frequency outside interconnection.

In a protection system consisted of peripherals which must be paid attention is:

a. Relay.

b. PMT/PMB ( break payload).

c. Power Supply ( battery).

d. Wiring

e. Voltage Transformer and current transformer (parameter).


Protection system is a safety device early applied to take care of stability line a system which will be protected to can operate matching with the one which is expected. Protection device is relay with simple enough component, but in the application of his(its is very effective of which can be functioned at peripheral which wish to be protected.
