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13 May 2020

Dog Repellent Ultrasonic Circuit

This is a design circuit for Dog Repellent Circuit Schematic diagram. When we hear the word “Ultrasonic" we often refer it to bats and dolphins communication. Technically, “Ultrasonic" applies to sound that is anything above the frequencies of audible sound, and includes anything over 20kHz. Frequencies used for medical diagnostic ultrasound scans extend to 10 MHz and beyond. This dog repellent ultrasonic circuit will chase away angry dogs. It comprises of a 555 timer IC, a speaker/piezoelectric and a little ferrite transformer. This is the schematic diagram.

This circuit is based on LM555 timer IC as the brain.  555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of timer, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. The 555 can be used to provide time delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip-flop element. Derivatives provide up to four timing circuits in one package. You can use the 555 effectively without understanding the function of each pin in detail. Frequently, the 555 is used in astable mode to generate a continuous series of pulses, but you can also use the 555 to make a one-shot or monostable circuit. The 555 can source or sink 200 mA of output current, and is capable of driving wide range of output devices.

To use this circuit adjust R3 at resonance frequency of the piezo transducer for maximum amplitude of the repeller ultrasonic sound. At 30 KHz this can reach a value of 108 Vpp. Without the piezo the output voltage is around 200 Vpp.



EE15 Ferrite Transformer

555 Timer


Switch NO

10nF Capacitor

1N4004 Diode (3 Units)

2.2kΩ Resistor (2 Units)

4.7kΩ Variable Resistor4.7kΩ


3.3V Capacitor (2 Units)


