ADC is a circuit formed in a single functioning chip to change analog signal becomes digital signal. In general we apply chip ADC 8 beet to change analog signal stretch 0-5 V becomes digital level 0-255 for ADC 8 beet. At the moment have also been in big supply ADC capable to work for data process 12 bits.
To do converting there are two methods. First method is use a Flash ADC. This method also is recognized as parallel ADC as easiest circuit to be studied. This method formed by using a group of comparator comparing input signal to reference strain applies op-amp. Resistor applied Resistor must having high tolerance that more accurate.
Second method is method Successive Approximation. This method applies approach successively to look for value that is most precise. This register calculates by trying to all bit values started from MSB and terminated with LSB. During calculation process, register will monitor comparator output to see if calculation of binary is less or bigger than input signal.