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10 February 2019

Bridging Car Audio Power

The method used in creating bridge audio power in a car.

a. stereo 2 channel bridge into 1 mono channel.The first method of car power audio bridging is combining 2 channel stereo output into 1 mono output to push 1 subwoofer speaker - this is called mono bridging. This means that under normal conditions a 2 channel power is for 2 4Ω speakers. Now, after a mono power cartridge is only to push a speaker, with impedance 2Ω; this of course the power of (rms) power will double. 

Note that the fewer speaker barriers, the power amp rms will increase as well; but with a note that this is also supported by the power amplifier. For example: A 2 channel stereo power amplifier has an output specification of 2x100watt @ 4Ω, bridge mode 1x400w @ 2Ω. This means that if the power is mono cartridge, we can use double coil speakers set to 2Ω, with output power to the speaker by 400 watts. Do you have to play at 2Ω only? The answer depends on the power, if you have stability playing at 1Ω or 4Ω there will certainly be no problem. 

How about if the power is 4channel? Power 4 channels if mono is mounted can be 2 channels to push 2 subwoofer speaker units. So if you want to use 2 subwoofer units so that the audio sound is blaring, then you might need a 4channel power amp that supports mono and flexible bridging at the desired impedance of the speakers such as 1, 2 or 4Ω.

b. bridge by lowering the Bridge speaker impedance the second way is simpler, because you only need to change the impedance of the double coil speaker to be smaller. For example on a standard power condition using a 4Ω speaker configuration, so that the power increases the speaker impedance is reduced to 2Ω. 

According to the amplifier's power calculation formula, the power rms power also depends on the load or in this case the speaker impedance. The smaller the impedance of the speaker, the amplifier's rms power will also increase. So in this way your audio power will increase but still remain with the output capacity still at 2 channels (if power 2 is channe).
